1-2-1 Music Tuition

Weekly Students
Hours Taught
Music Topics
Buckinghamshire Sites
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A Quick Overview

What Is Taught
In Our Music Classes?

Multiply Music has become a well-known and trusted 1-2-1 educational service in Buckinghamshire. Here at our effective music classes, all students can improve their ability by either playing to their favourite songs or learning all graded musical exams to grade 8 for the drums & piano. 

Progression Feedback

Here at Multiply Music we are incredibly proud of our comprehensive and instructive reports that are sent to all parents to keep informed on progress.

Feedback includes:

– Conversations with your teachers at the end of each class outlining topics taught
– Feedback calls from our general managers seeing how we can improve and if we can answer any questions
– Incredibly detailed reports that are sent every 3-months that outline all topics taught, and progress of examinations

Grades Made Easy With Multiply Music
100% Pass Rate!
Booked 2024 Exams

Drum Exams
Piano Exams

What to Expect

Our classes run either via a 30 minute or 1-hour class duration. All classes are taught via 1-2-1 class style, and are taught through a mixture of swapping between musical and mathematical learning made fun through various gameplay for kids to enjoy. 

Common private tuition classes for families are enjoyed afterschool. Here is when our centres are busy and students can enjoy making friendships. Please review the following common class times: 

Monday – Friday: 3:30-8pm 
Saturday’s: 9am – 5pm 

Common Process

To help create a custom learning experience for all and to ensure that families & children get the best learning experience we tailor our classes to suit our students.

To do this we do the following:

1) Scheduling in a free taster class with the new student and their family or school representative (Here we offer a free 30 minute class to show how our classes operate, and allocate 30 minutes to answer any and all questions that you may have and create a lesson plan suited to fit the families needs).
2) If parents agree on classes, they choose their desired duration and day / time for classes. 
3) Parent’s complete a convenient online direct debit form and are given access to our online portal system. Here parent’s can review all safeguarding, teaching material, progression graphs and relevant terms & conditions. 

Useful Documents

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